Monday 7 September 2009

Directors who cannot direct!?!?

I used to enjoy my work, putting loads of effort in, going the extra mile, eager to learn etc etc. But then, through several promotions I started to work alongside Directors.

The Directors I refer to are described loosely, they do not direct, they appear to only block. One example of my recent dealings with Directors is as follows:-

Director(s): This is Roy, he is joining our company and will be setting up a brand new team of project managers, bringing the team with him.

Me: Roy seems a bit bull-ish, are we sure we are doing this the right way?

Director(s): Yes, this is the right way, we are certain.

12 months go by, Roy's team expands by 5 people, they fail to win any work yet they continue to expand, contrary to my protestations.

My frustration leads to increased complaints from me, and other people within the office. I get knocked back from a promotion due to my "protestations" and lack of respect (this despite my team and I out-performing the rest of the office by 75%), and even get a visit from the friendly HR officer who asked me if my grievances were personal. My response was "yes it's personal, because I care about the company and the staff!" response obviously confused the system!

So move forward 6 months and where are we now? Well 'Roy' has been suspended twice for alleged bullying, has retaliated to these claims by going off work with full pay through stress related illnesses, and we are here working our butt off to pay for this loser in a recession!

My latest 'Personal Development Review' has been rejected because I listed my only career goal as "getting an apology from the Directors who thought my grievances were personal". We are at an impasse now though because I genuinely have no career goals.

The company are also very upset to hear that it is personal pride and wanting to develop my young team, that keep me going (oh and a mortgage), and I do not aspire to be like any of the Directors who I have come into contact with!

So what do I do?

My mortgage dictates my work, I cannot work the minimum, because I care, so how do I ween myself off this commercial merry-go-round.

On a lighter note, managed to make some Damson Jam and some Damson and Apple Jam at the weekend. The damsons were picked from hedgerows, the apples came out of my garden and the jars were of course, all recycled.

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